摘要:The main objective of this study was to examine appropriate ways of advertising as a tool to promote a culture of insurance and therefore, sales growth of life insurance is to solve its problems. By doing this, factors determined the proper implementation and full of problems and difficulties in the development of life insurance (life insurance, insurance savings) decreased. The research study is based on the purpose of application. In this study, questionnaires were used to collect information, and the questionnaire contains 10 questions. Meanwhile randomly obtained sample size included 200 employees of insurance companies in Iran such as insurance Iran, Alborz, Asia, and Central Insurance of Iran were Dana. The results show a significant correlation between the lack of awareness of the life insurance and non-insurance growth, there is. The correlation between the lack of implementation of appropriate promotional practices in informing the public and non-life insurance growth, there is. The relationship between distinct forms of television advertising and encourage people to buy life insurance, there is. The relationship between different forms of radio advertising and the growth of life insurance there is no.