摘要:Interpretation foundations of any commentator is said to thoughts and his subjective statements with respect to the issue of interpretation of the Qur'an that kind of look and his insight into the science of interpretation and interpretation feature of the Qur'an marks. Ikrimah foundations in the interpretation with respect to the nature of the Qur'an text divided to two categories of foundations governing document and the foundations governing to the text which this text only Ikrimah principles in the valley of the foundations governing the text explains. Since the text is separated into words and meaning, foundations governing to the text are provided into to two categories of foundations governing the term (words principles) and the foundations governing the meaning (meaning foundations). In the categories of foundations governing word, Ikrimah believes some features to the Qur'an, which some of them are eloquence, the literal accuracy of the Quran, and the rule of verses words. He intended in the categories of foundations governing the meaning that the Quran is the eloquent book, comprehensive and global which its words and phrases have different layers of meaning and this meaning although associated with community condition of decline but at a high level beyond the norm of decline community are provided. Qur'an is a book that its interpretation is possible and it must be said that this book is in need to interpretation. And beyond this, it is important that the interpretation of this book is essential and urgent. Other meaning features of this book are that to express desired concepts generalized and its verses does not have meaning independence
关键词:Foundations; interpretation foundations; Ikrimah interpretation Foundations; Foundations governing to the text; text foundations.