摘要:Article is an outcome from writer’s reflection from his reading on Homo Sacer, Sovereign Power andBare Life, a book by Giorgio Agamben, an Italian 20th century philosopher. The reading concerns with the threechapters which are Homo Sacer, The Ambivalence of The Sacred, and The Sacred Life, and also the preface ofchapters. Generally, this article proposes two main things. First, Agamben’s description on Western modernpolitical practice, developed from the Greek until today. Second, writer’s reflection on educational system inIndonesia, especially the higher education level in nowadays, through Agamben’s perspective. Structurally,article is divided into three parts. First, the Preface, is a general view to Agamben’s political thought which willstand as a background to the second part from this article, Homo Sacer. On the third part, Education as BareLife, is writer’s reflection on higher education system in Indonesia borrowing the political perspectives fromAgamben
关键词:Homo Sacer; state of sovereign; the political; industry; education