摘要:The purpose of this study is to answer whether the intervention with reeducative approach and powerstrategy can improve punctuality behavior among students in the class XYZ. Methodology is carried out by usingthe method of intervention with reeducative approach and power strategy involving 55 students at the XYZ classwho is in their third semester at a private university. Intervention is conducted by providing re-learning on theimportance of timely discipline behaviors by using an agent of change in the course lecturers is considered ashaving power over these students. The average number of students prior to the intervention of delay is 16 people(29.9%) to 4 (7:27%) after intervention resulting in a decrease of 21.82%. Things that cause the success of thisproject is the advantages of interventions, among others, changing the mindset of the target behavior regardinglateness in class, with presence of education during socialization, enabling awareness of the importance ofinternal discipline.
关键词:discipline; lateness; intervention; reeducative; power strategy