摘要:Year of 2011 was a special year for the people of Indonesia with ASEAN ParaGames held in Solo onDecember 12th to December 20th. Solo held ASEAN Paralympic Games in 2011 in the month of December. Thesespecial moments were used by Aikon Media, ADGI (Asosisasi Graphic Designers Indonesia), and DKV BINUSto organize a poster exhibition with works by students and lecturers of DKV BINUS University, DKV UNS Soloand Solo ADGI chapter called "Design for the disabled". The messages on the poster were addressed to thepublic, particularly people with disabilities who are called by "the difable" with the objective of improvingpeople's appreciation of the difable. So that, the resulting confidence higher to those who can then deliver themto better performance. The study was conducted to see the visual signs contained in the poster work of studentsDKV BINUS semester 3 done by using the theory of semiotics. It can be concluded that the communication withempathy for the disabled is the main one, and then conveyed through visual signs that have meaning and can beaccepted and understood by the audience.