摘要:The term ‘signage’ sometimes has been confused with the term ‘sign or symbol’, although the termsignage is actually a theme which has consistency and also covers an area from a specific environment andmood. Signage has been designed to inform about location and direction of interior and exterior environment. Ingeneral, design system and the use of signage, such as graphic standard, material and the positioning, has beenorganized by international standardization from every country in the world. One of the most importantcategories of signage is the application of signage in highways. The study is about signage from historicalbackground, category, color scheme, design and human factor approach; from psychological physics, socialculture, to the connectivity with the value and products’ characteristic. Human factor comprehension is also oneof the most important elements in signage design process. Each perspective or perception from highway userand their reaction about the signage has been conditioned by a specific characteristic of human, such as frombiophysics-psyche, socio-culture, spiritual cosmologis transcendental with its five senses. Human factor as auser has an important role to obtain the best solution or good design solution for the community who use thatsignage