摘要:This research aimed to identify and know the pattern of smartphone usage among university studentsand pattern of communication they are doing with the smartphone. Quantitative research was used in this study,with descriptive design. Survey was conducted as data collecting method by distributing questionnaires tostudents of Marketing Communication (Marcomm) department, Faculty of Economic and Communication(FEK), Binus University. As a result, there were 134 questionnaires that can be proceed for data analysis.Sampling technique used in the research was simple random sampling. Since the research used descriptivedesign, thus the data analysis technique was descriptive statistics. The research is only limited to study thepattern of smartphone usage and pattern of communication among students of Marcomm department, FEK,Binus University, with their smartphone. Given the fact that smartphone has changed people’s behavior incommunicating with others, it can be useful for example in developing appealing learning plan in educationfield, especially for youth. The function of mobile phone has undergone a rapid change with the existence ofsmartphone. With smartphone, one cannot only perform the traditional types of communication (phone or sms),but also go beyond that. This is due to the features provided by the smartphone which indeed accommodate theperson’s needs to communicate each other more than just phone calls. Additionally, with the presence of Internetwhich has made the smartphone becoming inseparable with human’s life, since it integrates all medium andactivities of communication into a single gadget. Smartphone has been proved to change the people’s habit incommunicating each other and caused people’s dependency on the presence of this medium
关键词:smartphone; media ecology; pattern of communication; youth