摘要:A design may not be created instantly, without going through a process of creation. At the beginning itall starts from nothing, blank. It requires a visual research to make a visual communication. Without a visualresearch, the design will not have a strong meaning to be communicated. When an idea is created, the next stepis to generate the idea to become a design. The first thing a designer to do is drawing a line. Line is one of thedesign basic elements. In the journey to make a good design, a designer requires a visual record to assisther/him in remembering what is important. A visual record contains not only visual things seen by eyes, but alsothe perceived things. What is felt at the moment is important because it is easier to forget than visual memory.Sense is an important element in design. A good work will easily be communicated not only by visuals but alsofrom senses. The study was conducted as an insight into the process of making a visual record of nirmana usingvisual recording method in the exploration of dots and dashes. This method was used to sharpen the sensitivityof students to dots and lines. Initially, the students visited a traditional market to do the visual research. Afterthat, they created a visual record in the form of the composition of dots and lines in nirmana to remember thetaste, smell, and visual experiences