We analyzed Twenty eight cases of femoral head fracture associated with posterior hip dislocation managed in Kyungpoek National University Hospital between 1984 march and 1993 June. Classification was made by Pipkin and we added impaction fracture as another classification by post reduction CT finding.
The results were as follows
1. Most common type of fracture was impaction of femoral head by CT, Which is not included by pipkin classification.
2. Excellent, or Good result according to Epstein criteria, 7 of 8 cases in Pipkin type I, 1 of 3 cases in type II ,0 off 4 cases in type III , 1 off 4 cases in type IV, 6 off 9 cases in impaction racture.
3. There were no significant difference between the results of operative treatment and conservative treatment.
4. Post reduction CT was useful to determine the method of the further treatment.
5. Complications were avascular necrosis in 5 cases, posttrumatic arthritis in 3 cases, sciatic nerve paresis in 2 cases, heterotropic ossification in 1 case.