The majority of fracture of the distal humerus in adult involves the articular surface and also shows the shape of T or Y type and comminuted fracture. This fracture is rare in human fracture and difficult to treat.
Of 9 adult patients with intercondylar fracture of distal humerus treated in the Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Hanang Sacred Heart Hospital, Hallym University, from 1987 to 1990, 6 patient obtained acceptable results.
The results are as follows ;
1. Restoration of elbow function is dependent on meticulous surgical approach, rigid internal fixation, early controlled mobilization.
2. Posterion approach through extra-articular osteotomy of olecranon and fixation with plate and screw is a kind of recommanding procedure.
3. Clinical evaluation did not always correlate with follow up radiograph and more clinical study is necessary in this aspect.