The incidence of myocardial ischemia and silent myocardial infarction are higer in diabetic than in nondiabetic patients. We had a case of a disbetic, myocardial ischemic female patient, 54years old, who had cardiac arrest during an emergency surgery. The patient was admitted via emergency room with the diagnosis of rupture of basilar artery aneurysm. During the dissection for the exposure of the artery. The aneurysm ruptured. causing massive hemorrhage. At this time, cardiac arrest was revealed at the monitoring EKG, cardiopulmonary resuscitation with DC shock were performed to reverse venticular fibriliation but the EKG monitor showed T wave inversion and sinus tachycardia in several leads. And the blood pressure was hardly audible with systolic of about 50mmHg. So nitroglycerin 0.05mg, intravenous bolus injection was given twice and the systolic went up to 110mmHg with a diastolic of 80mmHg. So the operation proceeded and finished. The patient was sent to the ICU. On the third postoperative day, the patient again had cardiac arrest but this time could not be resuscitated. We experienced the dramatic effect of nitroglycerin on this ischemic patient during cardio pulmonary resuscitation and we would like to share this experience with our colleagues.