The effect of general anesthesia for cesarean section, before and after the delivery, varies according to the anesthesia type, drug dosage and concentration of the anesthetics. If a light plane of general anesthesia using a minimal concentration of anesthetics is chosen for fetal safety and rapid recovery, there is an increased incidence of maternal awareness and/or unpleasant dreams. in general, however, for cesarean section a lighter depth of anesthesia is indicated than that for non-obstetric operations because of the change in humoral factors such as increased levels of progestrone and beta-endorphin. We studied the effects of general anesthesia for 100 healthy parturients. The method used consisted of administration of thiopental (group l) or a combination of thiopental and 66% N2O(group ll) before delivery. For maintenance after delivery we used 66% nitrous oxide and a small dose of meperidine The results are as follows: 1) Apgar scores below 8 at one minute after delivery in group l and group ll were 4cases and 5cases, respectively. At 5 minutes after delivery 98% of both groups had Apgar scores of above 8. 2) The incidence of maternal awareness during anesthesia in group l was 10%, and group ll, 6%. 3) During the maintenance phase of the anesthesia after delivery, the systolic pressures, diastolic pressure and pulse rate increased as much as 2~11%, 5~13% and 14~16% respectively. 4) The duration of operation, on the average, was 64 minutes, and the average dosage of meperidine administered was 120mg.