期刊名称:ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences
卷号:XXXV Part B7
出版社:Copernicus Publications
摘要:The detection of the Land use change of Istanbul within the last 50 years point out the dramatic change of this city. An area of more than 3000 km2 was analysed in the MOLAND-Project, where more than 60 land-use classes have been selected and analysed for 4 years, the refer ence-year 2000, the year 1988, 1969 and 1945. The material was based on ver y high resolution satellite imager y like Ikonos and IRS-D, on satellite photographs like KVR and KFA and small scaled military aerial photographs. Some key- actions have been detected, so the built up of the Bosporus-Bridges, which made the rapid grow jump also to the Asiatic side of the city. We describe the technical work in combination with ancillary data, especially with historical ones. Also data like census-data have been integrated into the analyses to enable the development of a differ entiated scenario. We aim to point out the possibility of RS-data in combination with other relevant data to reach more detailed understanding of the grow of mega cities. Socio-economical, political, morphological and many other aspects are responsible for this specific development. To undertake temporal analyses of land-use change in urban and suburban agglomerations in relation to the cities connection (corridors) is the objective of MOLAND (Monitoring Land-Use Dynamics). It follows the MURBANDY ( Monitoring Urban Dynamics) initiative but moreover MOLAND is interested in cities on traffic-nod-points which play an important role as corridors. As a gate to the Asian continent and a traditional trade place, Istanbul is a most important city. Istanbul will be compared with 25 European cities, which have been analysed under MURBANDY. The spatial distribution and the quality of the environment in urban and in rural areas surrounding the cities are the main subjects of the investigation conducted within the project, which is based on 3 packages: change detection (CHANGE), understanding (UNDERSTAND) and development of scenarios (FORECAST).
关键词:Satellite Imagery; Land use change; ur ban dynamics; photogrammetry; Moland; GIS-Analyses; Scenarios