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  • 标题:Comparative Information Extraction from Sar and Optical Imagery
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  • 作者:P. Lohmann ; K. Jacobsen ; K. Pakzad
  • 期刊名称:ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences
  • 印刷版ISSN:2194-9042
  • 电子版ISSN:2194-9050
  • 出版年度:2004
  • 卷号:XXXV Part B3
  • 页码:535-540
  • 出版社:Copernicus Publications
  • 摘要:Presently EuroSDR, controlled by the Technical University of Berlin, is conducting a test on competitive information extraction from state of the art airborne multi-polarised SAR imagery (C, X and L – band) and high resolution optical imagery of the same area. The test envisages 3 stages, namely visual interpretation and map compilation, automatic object extraction and sensor fusion. Some first results are shown. The interpretation results of three interpreters will be shown, two of them being skilled photogrammetric operators, the third having only limited experience with SAR images. All interpreters have been given a principal theoretical course on SAR specific imaging features and properties and training possibilities on a separate SAR scene together with map information which was not part of the test. A common interpretation and - for reasons of comparison - mapping key has been set up and on screen interpretation started using the SAR scenes only, before the optical imagery was interpreted. Object extraction was conducted for linear objects like roads, rail- ways or rivers and area objects like agricultural, forest or residential areas. In some limited areas also single buildings were extracted in order to show the full potential of the imagery. Both interpretations (SAR and optical) have been compared according to accuracy and completeness using the optical data as representative master because of missing reference data. Difficulties in identifying objects by the interpreters will be discussed and compared It can be shown, that in most cases the completeness and correctness of linear and area features as compared to the interpretation of optical data is satisfactory and that discrepancies between both interpretations may be explained
  • 关键词:Land cover; Image Interpretation; Radar; SAR