期刊名称:ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences
卷号:XXXIII Part B7(/1-4)
出版社:Copernicus Publications
摘要:S.o José dos Campos is a municipality located in the region of Paraiba River Valley in S.o Paulo State. It is located between the cities of Rio de Janeiro and S.o Paulo, at one of the highest industrialized and urbanized areas of Brazil. In the decades 70/80 , 80/90 , S.o José dos Campos presented annual medium geometric rates of population growth of 6.84% , and 3.99% respectively. These rates are mainly due to high positive migratory flows within Brazil. Since 1980 , 95% of this population is living in the urban area that has been submitted to an accelerated process of expansion. As in most of Brazilian cities this accelerated urban growth has been disorganized causing strong environmental impacts, together with a decrease in quality of life particularly in those residential districts of the lower social class. The main causes for poor housing conditions are: the extremely unfair distribution of income, land speculation which transforms land ownership into one of the most important instruments of income concentration, and Brazilian Government which currently reinforces privileges. In 1992 the Brazilian Institute for Space Research –INPE- made the land use macrozoning of the region of Paraiba Valley and North Cost of S.o Paulo State, using orbital remote sensing data and a methodology considering integrated planning. The final product of this project it was a land use map of the study area at the scale 1:250, 000 . According to regional guidelines, in 1994 the local government published the Municipal Master Plan which, among others results and proposals, presented a land use macrozoning of the S.o José dos Campos municipality at the scale 1:50, 000. The objective of this work is to evaluate the present urban use at zones suitable for intensive urban use. Considering that these zones are scarce, and thus a limited municipal resource, the land use of the zone must be strictly controlled . For this evaluation the software SPRING-System for Geoinformation Processing – developed at INPE, was used. Using SPOT/PAN image from 1997, a visual interpretation was made to map the urban areas and to analyze characteristic patterns of intra-urban land use arrangements . This photo interpretation of the image was complemented by field surveys and by evaluation of color aerial photographs at the approximate scale of 1:8 000, obtained at the same year . The results were compared to a map of urban macrozones and allowed the identification and quantification of built areas in the urban periphery, that presents coarse grained texture , which represents extremely low population densities . These areas are located at sites suitable for intensive urbanization. These suburban areas are expensive alternatives for the urbanization because they require an extension of many urban facilities and services, and they represent a waste of natural resources , a fact incompatible with long term objectives involved in sustainable urbanization