期刊名称:ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences
卷号:XXXII Part 1
出版社:Copernicus Publications
摘要:The Indian Remote ·sensing Satellite (IRS-I C), at an altitude of 817 Km, completed two years of operation in spaceon December 25, 1997. The multi-spectral LISS-3 push-broom camera in IRS-1C has a 1.55-1.70 urn wavelength rangeShort-Wave Infra-Red (SWIR) spectral band providing imagery at 70 metres ground reSoiution to cover •. variouS'remotesensing"appii;_tioils':""This band is realised through a state of 1:h';-;rt"t~hnology Indium Gallium Arsenide photo-diodelinear array, the first of its kind in space .. The device consists of lattice mismatched hetero-junction photo-diode array forsensing the radiation and the signal is readout by the Silicon based CCD multiplexers. The device is operated at -10 ac withtight temperature control necessary to contain the dark current signal fluctuations. The device temperature requirements arerealised through a passive radiative cooler and an on-off heater control. The camera has In-Flight Calibration Unit which isrealised through four SWIR light emitting diodes operated in pulsed mode to generate six intensity levels. The unique featuresof this calibration scheme enable the study of various device parameters like responsivity, linearity, darksignal, etc.,. Thepaper describes the results of a study conducted over the time utilising the periodically collected in-flight calibration data