期刊名称:ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences
卷号:XXIX Part B4
出版社:Copernicus Publications
摘要:As par-t oT a continuing pr-ogr-amme oT r-esear-ch in map r-evision, exper-iments have beencar-r-ied out using the Yzer-man APY Analytical Plotter-. The accur-acy of the or-ientationpr-ocedur-e when car-r-ied out using contr-ol points obtained Tr-om existing gr-aphic maps hasbeen investigated fOr- models oT diTfer-ent ter-r-ain types and of diTTer-ent scales. It hasbeen shown that it is possible to obtain or-ientations suitable Tor- subsequent plottingwithin nor-mal gr-aphical accur-acy of ± O.3mm, but only iT high quality contr-ol points ar-eavailable