期刊名称:ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences
卷号:XXIX Part B4
出版社:Copernicus Publications
摘要:Theoretical accuracy assessment ofDigital Elevation Model (DEM) to bederived from Advanced Spaceborne ThermalEmission and Reflection Radiometer(ASTER) of EOS-AMl(Earth ObservingSystem-AMI) platform was conducted underthe asspmption of with/withoutModulate Transfer Function (MTF)degradation due to sensor motion. Asthe resul ts, it was found that RootMean Square (RMS) error in terms of DEMestimation accuracy was 27.98 m with GCPfor without sensor motion while thatwith random sensor motion of one fifthof Instantanuous Field of View (IFOV).0.88 arcsec in terms of standarddeviation of random motion was 29.21 m.In the same time MTF degradation due torandom motion was around 9.5% results inabout 5% decreasing cross correlationbetween 32 x 32 pixels image chips ofstereo pair. Also it was found thatmatching accuracy was degraded from 0.85to 1. 35 pixel