期刊名称:ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences
卷号:XXVII Part B2
出版社:Copernicus Publications
摘要:This article start with the introduction of DIPNET-880 •nddiscusses the concept of new gene~ation of digital informationp-rocessing svstem. It is diff•~ent f-ro• traditional 1••1• p~ocessingsystem developped in 70th such as the commercial svstemI s,DIPIX bec•use of the dev•lopement of ~•mote sensing •ndcomputer technologv.The new gene~ation of processing svstem isb•sed on ve~v powe~ful super-microcompute~ workst•tion network,cont~ibuted and pa~allel processing.The logical consistencv ofdemand for pipeline p~ocessing and specilization of p~ocessintand the global applic•tion of a dist~i~uted info~mation svstem~will show the great advantage and pra~ticabilitv. In the network,there are geometric workstation.QIS data processing work~tation,image analysis workstation and digitized cartography workstationetc.each has it's special application and support each othe~.The first generation of image p~ocessing svstem is functionoriented,but pure image processing function is not yet practicalFor solution of a lot of concret application, naturally, thene~ ge~eration JOinning image processing and graphic processing