期刊名称:International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology
出版社:S&S Publications
摘要:One of the most severe impairments that affect coherent optical systems employing high-order modulationformats is phase noise due to transmit and receive lasers. The vulnerable sensitivity to laser linewidth induced inter-carrierinterference (ICI) has long been recognized as a major problem to coherent optical orthogonal frequency-divisionmultiplexing (CO-OFDM) systems. Among the existing phase noise compensation algorithms, the RF-pilot aided phaserecovery (RAPR) method shows a better compensation capability to laser linewidth. However, RAPR may fail to extractthe pre-inserted RF-pilot at the receiver due to the influence of carrier frequency offset (CFO). An effective frequencyoffset estimation (FOE) is thus required to implement before performing RAPR. In consideration of the fact that theconventional FOE algorithm not only has high computational complexity, but more importantly cannot work incoordination with RAPR, a new RF-pilot aided frequency offset estimation (RAFOE) algorithm is proposed, in which CFOcan be easily estimated by searching the peak of spectral samples. Furthermore, in order to obtain the optimumcompensation performance with lower computing cost at combining RAFOE and RAPR, a joint frequency offset and phasenoise compensation scheme is also performed in this paper.