期刊名称:International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology
出版社:S&S Publications
摘要:In this paper, a high step-up DC-DCconverter with Cockcroft- Walton voltagemultiplier module is proposed for a photovoltaicsystem. Through a voltage multiplier module, anasymmetrical interleaved high step-up converterobtains high step-up gain without operating at anextreme duty ratio. The voltage multiplier moduleis composed of a ladder network of capacitorsand diodes to generate high voltages. In addition,the proposed converter functions as an active clampcircuit, which alleviates large voltage spikes acrossthe power switches. Thus, the low-voltage-ratedMOSFETs can be adopted for reductions ofconduction losses and cost. Efficiency improvessince the system uses a transformerless circuit andalso the energy stored in leakage inductances isrecycled to the output terminal. The modelling,control and simulation of the high step-upconverter have been done using the softwarepackage MATLAB/simulink.
关键词:Cockcroft-Walton voltage;multiplier; high-step up converter; photovoltaic;system.