期刊名称:International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology
出版社:S&S Publications
摘要:This work approximates the selective harmonicelimination problem using Bee algorithm to generate theswitching angles in a 7-level cascade multilevel inverter.This paper focuses on elimination of harmonics in a multilevelvoltage-source inverter with unequal (asymmetric) DCsources. This new topology has the advantage of its reducednumber of switches compared to conventional cascaded Hbridgemultilevel inverter, and can be extended to anynumber of levels. Such that the switching losses and switchstress are reduced comparatively. The angles were chosensuch that the fundamental was kept constant and the loworder harmonics were minimized or eliminated. ArtificialBee Colony (ABC) algorithm is one of the most recentlyintroduced swarm-based algorithms. ABC simulates theintelligent foraging behavior of a honeybee swarm. Themain objective of harmonic elimination is to reduce the totalharmonic distortion (THD) in the output voltage waveform.The basic concept of this reduction is to eliminate specificharmonics, which are generally the lowest orders, with anappropriate choice of switching angles. Bee algorithm isused to solve the transcendental equations for finding theswitching angles. This algorithm can be used for anynumber of voltage levels without complex analyticalcalculations. Simulation results for 7-level inverter verifythe validity and effectiveness of the proposed algorithm