期刊名称:International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering & Technology (IJARCET)
出版社:Shri Pannalal Research Institute of Technolgy
摘要:Moving object segmentation is an importantprocess for many computer vision applications.In video surveillance area, especially for humansand vehicles segmentation, is currently one of themost active research topics in computer vision.Object segmentation is very useful for trackingthe object and recognition the object in a video.The motion segmentation problem is studied andreviewing the most important techniques. Wedescribe some common methods for segmentingthe moving objects including backgroundsubtraction, temporal segmentation, edgedetection, optical flow and the combination oftemporal-spatial segmentation. These methodsare widely exploited for moving objectsegmentation in many applications, such astraffic monitoring, human motion capture andvideo surveillance.
关键词:Object Segmentation; background;subtraction; temporal; Tracking; and object;detection.