期刊名称:International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering & Technology (IJARCET)
出版社:Shri Pannalal Research Institute of Technolgy
摘要:Wireless sensor networks are a rapidly growing area for research and commercial development. Wireless sensor networks are used to monitor a given field of interest for changes in the environment. They are very useful for military, environmental, and scientific applications. The main focus in wireless sensor networks is that of coverage sensors. Coverage in wireless sensor networks is usually defined as extent or degree to which something is observed, analyzed, and reported.The various existing techniques used in coverage are coverage types, node types, deployment, energy constraints, centralized and distributed algorithm and three dimensional coverage. Coverage approaches are coverage with connectivity, probabilistic sensing, maximal support path , maximal breach path and disjoint sets. Coverage is one of the main problem to achieve energy efficiency of a wireless sensor network. This paper includes the literature survey of all coverage problems.