期刊名称:International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering & Technology (IJARCET)
出版社:Shri Pannalal Research Institute of Technolgy
摘要:The wireless sensor network is made up of collection dense sensor node where collection of data from the sensing fields becomes an issue. In the existing system a VELCT (Velocity Energy Efficient Link Aware Cluster Tree) is used to construct a DCT (Data collection Tree) to collect the data from the CH (Cluster Head) and then relay it to the BS (Base Station). But this system fails to balance the energy between the sensor nodes. In the proposed system the EMDC (Efficient Multiple Data Collector) is used to implement multiple mobile data collector to collect the data from the cluster head. The Mobile Data collector called CV (Collector Vehicle) is deployed in multiple numbers to collect the data from the cluster head and then relay it to the base station. This prevents the creation of energy hole in the network and balances the energy between the nodes. The simulation results have shown better results when compared with the existing system.