In South Brazil, Amanita Pers . has been studied more recently. Wartchow et al. (2013a) reported two subspecies of A. muscaria (L.) Lam. (subsp. muscaria and subsp. flavivolvata Singer), and Wartchow et al. (2013b) described A. petalinivolva Wartchow (subgenus Amanita ). Other six taxa also are referred from this region: A. chrysoleuca Pegler, A . multisquamosa Peck (subgen. Amanita ), A. grallipes Bas & de Meijer, A. strobiliformis (Paulet ex Vittad.) Bertill. (subgen. Lepidella ), A. rubescens Pers. and A spissa (Fr.) Bertill. (subgen. Validae) (Rick 1906, 1937, Bas & de Meijer 1993, Giachini et al. 2000, Sobestiansky 2005, de Meijer 2006). It is notable that most recorded species of Amanita from South Brazil (e.g., A. muscaria, A. multisquamosa and A. rubescens ) are ectomycorrhizal partners of exotic Pinus and Eucalyptus , the most cultivated trees in that region (Sulzbacher et al. 2013). During mycological fieldwork in South Brazil, an interesting species of Amanita growing under Eucalyptus plantation was collected, which could not be determined at that time. This material was considered as belonging to a new taxonomic entity, which is described in the present paper.