摘要:Fundamento. La transexualidad ha sido reconocida en Navarra como una entidad clínica que debe ser atendida de forma multidisciplinar dentro del Servicio Navarro de Salud. Métodos. Se analizan los datos epidemiológicos de 35 sujetos que han acudido a la Unidad Navarra de Transexuales e Intersexos (UNATI) desde abril de 2011. Se recogen variables relacionadas con parámetros sociodemográficos, transexualidad y tratamiento. Resultados. La edad media es de 37,3 años. El 65,7% de los sujetos nacieron en España. El 71,4% de los usuarios son transexuales femeninas. Actualmente el 62,9% de los sujetos reciben tratamiento hormonal. Entre las transexuales femeninas el 20% se han sometido a mamoplastia, el 4% a vaginoplastia y el 20% a ambas intervenciones. De los transexuales masculinos el 10% se ha realizado una mastectomía, el 10% una histerectomía con doble anexectomía y el 60% ambas intervenciones. Conclusiones. La mayor parte de los transexuales de Navarra están siendo valorados en UNATI. Han acudido más transexuales femeninas que masculinos. Las transexuales femeninas se someten con mayor frecuencia a cirugía de reasignación y los masculinos a cirugía extirpativa.
其他摘要:Background. Transexuality has been recognized in Navarre as a clinical entity that must be attended to in a multidisciplinary form in the Navarre Health Service. Methods. An analysis was made of the epidemiological data of 35 subjects who have attended the Navarre Transexual and Intersex Unit (UNATI. Unidad Navarra de Transexuales e Intersexos) since April 2011. The variables related to socio-demographic parameters, transexuality and treatment were collected. Results. The average age was 37.3 years. Sixty-five point seven percent of the subjects were born in Spain. Seventy-one point four percent of the users are feminine transsexuals. At present 62.9% of the subjects are receiving hormonal treatment. Amongst the feminine transexuals 20% have had a mamoplasty, 4% have had a vaginoplasty and 20% have had both operations. Ten percent of the masculine transsexuals have had a mastectomy, 10% have had a hysterectomy with double anexectomy and 10% have had both operations. Conclusions. The majority of the transsexuals in Navarre are being evaluated in the UNATI. More feminine transsexuals have attended than masculine ones. The feminine transsexuals more frequently have reassignation surgery, while the masculine ones have extirpative surgery.