摘要:Introduction The study area is located in the Shurab area that is about 50 Km Southeast of Qom. Volcanic rocks of the Shurab area have basaltic composition that is associated with salt and marl units. Igneous rocks of the Shurab area have not been comprehensively studied thus far. Clinopyroxene composition of volcanic rocks, and especially the phenocrysts show Magma chemistry and can help to identify magma series (Lebas, 1962; Verhooge, 1962; Kushiro, 1960, Leterrier et al., 1982), tectonic setting (Leterrier et al., 1982; Nisbet and Pearce, 1977) as well as temperature formation and pressure of rock formation. Some geologists have estimated temperature of clinopyroxene formation by clinopyroxene composition (Adams and Bishop, 1986) and clinopyroxene-olivine couple. So, clinopyroxene is used in this study in order to identify magma series, tectonic setting, plus the temperature and pressure of volcanic rocks of the Shurab. Material and method Clinopyroxene analyses were conducted by wavelength-dispersive EPMA (JEOL JXA-8800R) at the Cooperative Centre of Kanazawa University (Japan). The analyses were performed under an accelerating voltage of 15 kV and a beam current of 20 nA. The ZAF program was used for data corrections. Natural and synthetic minerals of known composition were used as standards. The Fe3+ content in minerals was estimated by Droop method (Droop, 1987). Discussion In the Shurab area, the volcanic rocks area with basaltic composition are located 50 km Southeast of Qom. Their age is the early Oligocene and they are associated with the salty marl units of the Lower Red Formation (LRF). The hand specimens of the studied rocks look green. These rocks are intergranular, microlitic, porphyric, vitrophyric and amygdaloidal and they consist of olivine, pyroxene and plagioclase. Accessory minerals contain sphene, apatite and opaque. According to Wo-En-Fs diagram (Morimoto, 1988), clinopyroxenes indicate diopside composition. Clinopyroxenes are representatives of magma composition and they are usually used for identifying magma series. There are several diagrams that are used for this purpose as follows. 1 - Al2O3 – SiO2 diagram (Lebas, 1962): According to this diagram, the studied clinopyroxenes were plotted in sub-alkaline field. 2 - Al2O3 – TiO2 diagram (Lebas, 1962): In this diagram, the studied clinopyroxenes show to be calcalkaline. Some diagrams that are used for determining tectonic setting according to clinopyroxene composition are as follows: 1 - F1 – F2 diagram (Nisbet and Pearce, 1977): Based on this diagram, the Shurab clinopyroxenes rocks lie between volcanic arc and mid ocean ridge basalt fields. 2 - Al2O3 - SiO2 diagram (Lebas, 1962): Using this diagram, the studied clinopyroxenes are located in the sub-alkaline field. Some methods that are used for determining temperature formation and pressure of clinopyroxene are as follows: 1 – Kretz method (Kretz, 1994): Using this method, temperature formation of clinopyroxene is about 1200- 1250oC. 2 – Soesoo method (Soesoo, 1997): Using this method, pressure formation of clinopyroxene is about 6-10 Kb. In Al+2Ti+Cr against Na+Al diagram, Clinopyroxenes are located above the Fe+3=0 line (Schweitzer et al, 1979). This case and abundant hematite and magnetite in the Shurab area rocks confirm that oxygene fugasity is high. Based on Helz diagram (Helz, 1973), the content of magma water during clinopyroxene formation is about 2-5 percent. Results Using various methods, the temperature and pressure of clinopyroxene formation are about 1200 oC and 6-10 Kb, respectively. Clinopyroxene composition and the abundant hematite and magnetite in the studied rocks confirm that oxygene fugasity is high. According to Helz diagram, the amount of water is about 2-5 percent. 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