摘要:This study aims to find out students’ and instructors’ attitudes towards using Second Life (SL), a multi-user virtual environment, via a Task Based Syllabus (TBS). It was conducted with participants of intermediate level students (N=37) and instructors (N=2) of English Preparatory School at a private university in Turkey. In order to design a TBS, a two-month program of intermediate level syllabus has been modified by adding weekly tasks. Unlock Listening & Speaking 3 and Unlock Reading & Writing 3 published by Cambridge University Press were used during the instruction and the tasks were adapted from the same course books. After the completion of the final task, both students and instructors were given an evaluation survey asking for their opinions, experiences and evaluations of the TBS based SL sessions. The findings indicate that both instructors and students have positive and negative feedback; such as, the variety SL brings to a language class and the fact that SL demanding in terms of computer requirements. In order to avoid problems like other users’ involvement or distractions, and in order to help students find suitable rooms (virtual meeting environments) without a time loss or difficulty, teachers could be recommended to have a well prepared list of the free entrance rooms to meet and divert the students, instead of buying a new one.