期刊名称:International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology
出版社:S&S Publications
摘要:Documents need to be sorted, searched, accessed, copied, modified and sometimes transmitted over acomputer network using a document archiving system. A document archiving system is a system used to manage, storeelectronic documents and send alarms at given times. Documents in the archives refers to information which is notrequired on a day to day basis, but which needs to be retained for a certain period, and also information which isretained in perpetuity and referred to infrequently but periodically [17]. In this study, we are proposing a documentarchiving system which will integrate barcoding, time stamping and mobile technologies to improving on the achievingand retrieval processes. We begin this study with the baseline line study in an effort to establish the challenges faced byinstitutions of learning in document archiving. The study is based on the University of Zambia (UNZA), a publiclearning institution. The results from our study indicate that 70% of the offices use the manual box file system inDocument achieving. They also lack storage space for box files with 80% having difficulties in retrieving olddocuments. Based on this study, we designed and implemented a document archiving system. The system wasdeveloped in C#. It has time stamp integrated with short messaging system (SMS) for reminders and barcode which iselectronically stapled on the soft copies before being archived to improve on the identity of the document.
关键词:Document; Archive; Barcode; Timestamp; Email; Short Message Service (SMS)