标题:A GIS Based Approach into Delineating Liquefaction Susceptible Zones Through Assessment of Site-Soil-Geology-A Case Study of Madang and Morobe Province in Papua New Guinea (PNG)
期刊名称:International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology
出版社:S&S Publications
摘要:Tectonism induced liquefaction can be a major disaster that warrants appropriate emphasis in anyinfrastructure development planning. Various procedures and methods are applied throughout the world to identifypotential zones of liquefaction. The output results are used as tools for site selection and finding viability of funding ininfrastructure development. Thus such measure is slated to preclude future loss of life and property owing toinfrastructure collapse by earthquake induced liquefaction. Liquefaction is likely to occur due to saturated soils orunconsolidated sediments under the infrastructure basement that are subjected to give way due to ground shaking.Liquefaction is one of the main geohazards related to tremor. The present study aims at assessing different soilproperties and geological structures of Morobe and Madang Province culminating in delineation of Liquefactionpotential zones using multi-criteria evaluation and Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) appraisal using GIS andRemote sensing technologies. The main data layers that are chosen for carrying out the assessment consist in availablegeological, soil and SRTM DEM data. Several thematic layers are prepared from the data base as mentioned, followedby assigning weightage to each thematic layer generated. Weightages were further normalized using Saaty’s analyticalhierarchy process. The final Liquefaction potential zone was prepared using the raster calculated from ArcGIS. Theoutput liquefaction potential zone map was delineated and reclassified into five categories such as ‘very high', ‘high',‘moderate', ‘low’ and ‘very low’ potential zones.
关键词:Liquefaction; Tectonism; Geohazards; Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP); Multi-criteria evaluation; GIS