期刊名称:International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology
出版社:S&S Publications
摘要:A smart, integrated temperature and light controlling and monitoring system has been implemented with the useof open standard technology, commercial and household items which actively monitor the environmental conditions. Amain target for this system is to have it designed and implemented as cost efficient as possible. The system allows for a userto input the desired conditions regarding the surrounding atmosphere`s temperature and lighting requirements. This paperincorporates design and development of temperature & light monitoring and controlling system. The project consists of twomodules. One is the parameter monitoring and the other one is the parameter controlling. Monitoring and controllingphysical parameters like temperature and light are of outmost importance. A temperature sensor LM35 will be used for thepurpose of measuring temperature and a LDR will be used for measuring light intensity. A microcontroller then comparesthe environmental conditions against the user’s input requirements, and actuators change the settings until the desiredconditions have been obtained. The controller is responsible for sensing from ADC, detection and polling of the peripheralsstatus. A display unit will show the values of parameters like Temperature and Light. This will be helpful for the person toknow the values, for this purpose use various sensors will be used, which will be connected to ADC. The device can beused for various purposes like weather forecast, industrial monitoring and green house monitoring etc.