期刊名称:International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology
出版社:S&S Publications
摘要:Wireless sensor networks can be used in several real world applications, including various criticalapplications such as military surveillance, infrastructure security monitoring and fault detection. Typicallysensors are deployed in large number in environments that may not be safe or easily accessible to humans. Anadversary or attacker can modify the sensor nodes that operate in the harsh environment and thus can insertfaulty data to mislead the whole network. Hence in order to reduce the damage occurred to the compromisedsensor nodes, it is extremely important to detect and revoke them as early as possible. The main idea is topropose zone based node compromise detection and revocation scheme for sensor networks. This is achievedusing reputation based trust management scheme and software based attestation technique. Softwareattestation technique has been proposed to verify the integrity of the code without physical access. WhereasReputation-based Framework for Sensor Networks maintain reputation for other nodes. This reputation is usedto evaluate the trustworthiness of other nodes, which in turn establishes a web of trust in the network, which isthen used as an inherent aspect in predicting the future behaviour of nodes in the network. Thus the proposedscheme provides effective and robust compromised sensor node detection and revocation capability with littleoverhead.