期刊名称:International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology
出版社:S&S Publications
摘要:The fly ash for the purpose ofexperimentation was collected from the ThermalPower Station (Eklahre) in Nashik, Maharashtra.The mixtures of clay available at the site and the flyash with different percentages by weight areprepared. These mixtures are used to make the bricksof clay and fly ash with different proportions. Thebricks are marked with specific numbers in their frogto identify them at the time of testing. These bricksare air dried in open atmosphere for 4 - 5 days as perusual practice. The firing of the bricks is done in atraditional way as is done in and around Dhule town.These bricks are fired for fourteen days. At the end ofthe 14 days, the kiln is allowed to cool as per usualpractice. The bricks are taken out from the kiln andstacked in the testing lab of the institute where thesample bricks are tested for water absorption, densityand compressive strength as per BIS procedures.