期刊名称:International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology
出版社:S&S Publications
摘要:Cyber Deterrence could be the United States' best counterintelligence defense against cyber aggressionand industrial espionage on the Critical Infrastructure and Key Resources (CIKR) and Cyber Threats on US consumers.As technology improves and global trade and interconnectivity extend beyond comprehension, accountability, ideologyand culture, the need to provide fool-proof security to protect US consumers is essential for public safety and nationaldefense. This study involves data collections, which examined the relationship between reliability and validity ofdifferent perspectives regarding cyber deterrence. A descriptive statistical investigation using survey methodologieswas employed to ascertain concerns of 150 victims of cyber “hacktivism” on their finances through banking systems orretail merchants as well as to determine the framework of implementing cyber deterrence as an acceptableinstitutionalized cyber-counterintelligence. Theory integration models via obtained responses were used to test whetherthe stages of interrelation of variables and the mediation of motivation by victims of data breach are statistical viableand significant in predicting Cyber-security countermeasures, and secondly to exemplify/validate the data values for“bias”. The collection of the quantitative values is tabulated along a continuum in numerical form using scores, chisquare,and prevalence and frequency rates derived. This allowed the reliability and validity in the analysis of the meanpatterns, nonlinear trends using ANOVA, prediction-patterns, multi-group structural equation modeling (MSEM),nested model analyses and stage transitions using binary logistic regression analyses to quantify all data breaches. Thestudy finally presented descriptive statistics and psychometric properties to contextualize and validate analyticdecisions made to support the framework for institutionalized cyber deterrence against cyber threats and attacks as anacceptable counterintelligence. The ultimate resultant composition led to frameworks that describe, explain, andvalidate findings of the surveys.