期刊名称:International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology
出版社:S&S Publications
摘要:Nowadays wireless sensor network are liked due to monitoring the presence of situation in manyapplications like industrial, environmental sensing, health care etc. Energy capability is a crucial view in wirelesssensor networks to overcome this problem the efficient technique of clustering is used to achieve more datatransmission, long network lifetime, less time consuming process, minimize energy utilization. In this paper proposemulti cluster head groups, multi cluster heads via Load Balanced Clustering and Dual Data Uploading and sencar. It isresponsible to maintain the energy and data transmission from each sub node. In each cluster head collect data andenergy level form sub nodes then transmit to the cluster group head. Here Multi User-Multi input multioutput(MIMO) is used for multi data transmission to the sink, each nodes connected their cluster heads and sendingpacket to the sink via cluster heads and group heads. Sink assign Id to each node for identification purpose whichnode transmit data. Although the transmission of inter cluster, each cluster head group data is gathered by SenCar thentransport the data to the static data sink. Sencar is the mobility of mobile nodes used to update the energy in which thenode have low energy. If sencar . has low energy then it is energized by sink is the base station controls the entirenetwork .As the Simulation results exhibit that the proposed load balanced clustering maintains the energy level aswell as more data-gathering to increase the network life time.
关键词:Wireless Sensor Network; Multi Cluster Head and Cluster Head Group (CHG) ; Energy Capability ;Sencar.