摘要:Peat bog deposits provide a very important record of past environmental conditions, preserving biotic and abioticprocesses that occurred in the vicinity of the bog. In this study, we examined three peat bog profiles from Kietrz,located in the micro-region of the Głubczycki Plateau, southern Poland.The objective of this study was to determine the type of peat occurring in this area, through examination ofits mineral composition, and evaluation of the total carbon and total sulphur content. In addition, we measuredpeat reaction (pH) and identified floral and faunal components occurring within the peat deposits.The peat comprises primarily of fragments of fossilized plant and mollusk remains, as well as minerals(calcium sulphates, calcium carbonates, and pyrites). Additionally, an assemblage of iron oxides/hydroxides, Kfeldspar,apatite, zircon, and quartz grains was identified. A neutral and/or light alkalinity was recorded for thepeat deposits, but an increase in acidity (pH) with increasing depth through each peat profile was also recorded.We observed a positive correlation between the pH and chemical composition of deposits, where a significantpresence of calcite is associated with higher reaction (higher pH), whilst a lower pH is characteristic forsediments where carbonates are rare. The recognized species of mollusks are typical of shallow, fresh-waterstagnant reservoirs with a high fluctuation of water level.
关键词:peat; mineralogy; scanning electron microscope (SEM); pH; total sulphur (TS); carbon content (CC)