摘要:The aim of this paper is to present the relationship between the need for cognitive closure (NFC)and creativity. In light of previous research, a theoretical foundation is established for the termcreativity. Next the social-cognitive phenomenon of the need for cognitive closure is explainedbased on the theory of Kruglanski and Webster, and considering the tendencies of urgency andpermanency. Conclusion: The role of creativity is to control cognitive closure in order to solveproblems that arise during the learning process and usually during the life.
其他摘要:El objetivo de este trabajo es presentar la relación entre la necesidad de cierre cognitivo (NCC) y lacreatividad. A la luz de las investigaciones realizadas, se establece la base teórica para el términode creatividad y la explica del fenómeno socio-cognitivo de necesidad de cierre cognitivo en base ala teoría de Kruglanski y Webster, teniendo en cuenta las tendencias de urgencia y permanencia.Conclusión: Lacreatividadtieneunpapelimportantedecontroldelcierrecognitivoconelfinderesolverlosproblemasquesurjanduranteelprocesodeaprendizajeyengeneraldurantelavida.