摘要:Three major cities in India such as Chennai, Bangalore and Hyderabad were selected for this study. The study mainlyfocused on assessment of physico-chemical as well as biological properties of ground water on four different seasonslike spring, summer, autumn and winter in the year 2012. The physico-chemical parameters like pH, turbidity, TDS,TH, Ca2+, Mg2+, TA, Cl–, SO42–, NO3–, F–, Fe and biological parameters like total coliforms were analyzed usingstandard procedures and all the parameters were expressed in milligram/L except turbidity which expressed in NTUand total coliforms which expressed in MPN/100 mL. Based on the results obtained from this study, clear evidence onseasonal wise variations on ground water quality was observed in Southern part of India. Further the suitable reverseosmosis technology is recommended for accessing the safe drinking water from ground water.