摘要:The landscape uniqueness of the Arctic polarzone manifests itself in morphological traces of olderglaciations and marine transgressions, areas of present-day glaciations, multi-year permafrost,multi-year snow covers, deglaciation processes variablein time and space and resulting in an expansionof ice-free areas, multi-directional geosuccession,and finally in the various responses of the Arctic peoplesto landscape changes and the growing humanimpact. The present study rests on the following assumptions:– the state of geoecosystems in the Arctic polarzone is the product of their former and currentdevelopment varying over space and time;– the operation of present-day geoecosystems is affectedby climatic variability and a growing humanimpact;– the seasonal rhythm of polar geoecosystems isdisturbed by processes of above-average and extremenature which bring about changes in theirinternal structure or lead to the disappearance ofthe existing geoecosystems and the emergence ofnew ones; and– a research on the present-day polar geoecosystemsof the Arctic should be organised, integrated,and based on comprehensive projects,both national and international, involving theparticipation of the Northern peoples.