摘要:Field observations and literature reveal that land use and soil characteristics play an important role in the developmentof piping. In this study, the hypothesis is tested that discontinuities in the soil profile favour piping erosion inloess-derived soils in a temperate humid climate. Abiotic characteristics (clay content, bulk density, Ksat, penetration resistance)and the biological activity in the soil were measured for each soil horizon until a depth of at least 40 cm below thepipes (ca. 1.30 m) for 12 representative soil profiles with different land use (pasture with and without collapsed pipes, arableland and forest). No clear discontinuities in abiotic characteristics were observed at soil depths where subsurface pipes occurred,but pastures with piping had significantly more earthworm channels and mole burrows at larger depths than pastureswithout piping, arable land or forest.