期刊名称:Academic Journal of Business, Administration, Law and Social Sciences
摘要:Korea’s fishing industry is currently facing problems involving an aging society and lack ofsuccessors in fishing villages. Therefore, the Korea Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries (KMOF)has implemented a policy supporting U-turn fishers, who leave their place of origin for a joband then return home or move to where they can work in the fishing industry. Moreover,some local governments have established a policy for U-turn fishers. The KMOF policy is afinancial support program with low interest rates and lengthy reimbursement periods; however,few beneficiaries exist. Meanwhile, local government policy benefits most persons incorresponding areas. However, the sums are relatively small, and only two local governmentshave enacted the policy. This study determines the performance of the policy through indepthinterviews and a survey. The results indicate that KMOF policy may be limited in termsof its scope. In addition, noneconomic support programs, such as fishing education, harmonybetween existing fishers, and the acquisition of fishery rights, are required. The number ofU-turn fishers will continue to increase as the baby boomer generation nears retirement andunemployment of youth increases. As such, the Korean government needs to improve thepolicy in keeping with the times