期刊名称:Slovo : Journal of Slavic Languages and Literatures
出版社:Uppsala University
其他摘要:The number of Finnish loan words in Swedish is very limited, in spite of the long-standingcontacts between the languages. The existing loan words were taken over during a long periodof time, with the oldest ones appearing already in the late Middle Ages, and the later onesappearing in the early 20th century. It is important to elucidate where and when these wordshave been borrowed. Due to extensive geographical contact areas, however, this is no easytask. Earlier research probably exaggerated the role of Stockholm, whereas the importance of,for example, the provinces of Gästrikland and Ångermanland was underestimated. During the17th century, these areas formed bridge-heads in the large-scale Finnish migration to presentdaySweden. Old mining centres, like Arboga, also seem to have been of importance ascontact areas. There are indications that quite a few Finnish loan words were borrowed in thatarea. If Swedish rappakalja ’bad beer’ (< Finnish rapakalja) was also one of those, that couldperhaps help to explain the Swedish expression, “to suffer the after-effects of Arboga beer”.