摘要:H-index is one of the famous tool for assessing the research authors, journalsand publications ranking. With some demerits and limitations of H-index, thisresearch study puts forward an enhanced version of H-index named as Sindex,which gives more accurate results in relevance to published papers andcitations of a particular author (sum of various key factors of author’sranking) and exclusively negative impacts of self-citations and multipleauthored papers. Pearson Correlation analysis was conducted to illustratethe association of RePec research factors with the respective indices. Theproposed S-index has proven the negative relationship with number of selfcitationsand multiple authored papers unlike the H-index, which lacks thesefactors. An enhanced model is developed for the suggested s-index which isanticipated to be practical for the future research valuations. The implicationof both h-index and the new s-index varies with a refining modification whichwas required to achieve. The author performance measure can be attained byimplementing the new index as it embraces the important factors whichcontributes towards Author’s profile.