摘要:The rapid growth forecasted of new visitors arriving to Central America national parks will make essential forpark managers to consider visitor satisfaction in its planning process. A total of 915 surveys, 312 to local and 603 to foreignvisitors were conducted in Honduras, Nicaragua and Costa Rica, to determine using a gap form of the expectations disconfirmationmodel the satisfaction of local and foreign visitors with the infrastructure, services and recreational options.The study found that there were important differences and similarities between local and foreign visitors in socio demographicsand in the satisfaction rating awarded to key infrastructure, services and recreational options. Standardized regressionmodel identified using stepwise procedure single out the variables that influence the overall gap in satisfaction with the visit.The material permitted improved resource allocation and management decisions by the parks administrator in terms of theelements they needed to consider in their site maintenance and investment planning in order to increase the visitor’ssatisfaction with the visit.
关键词:Satisfacción de los Visitantes; modelo expectativas-desconfirmación; manejode parques nacionales; asignación presupuestaria. Centro América.