出版社:The International Institute for Science, Technology and Education (IISTE)
摘要:The main objective of this research work was to find out the adoption of technology among cassava producers in the study area. A multistage random sampling procedure was adopted to collect primary data from 80 cassava farmers who were randomly selected from some selected communities in the study area. Descriptive statistics, logit regression analysis and budgetary analysis were used to analyze the data collected. The result revealed that majority of the respondents have low formal education, as about 68% of the farmers only attended primary school, 67% of respondents fall within the age bracket of 31 to 50 years which is the normal age group for the working population, also revealing that majority of the respondents (farmers) are males with about 78% of entire respondents being males, the research also revealed that 91% of the farmers are married with an average income of N 34,153.21. Furthermore, the regression analysis showed that age of farmers, farm size, hired labour (mandays) and cropping patterns showed significant influence at different levels on the probability of adopting improved technologies in cassava production as age had a positive and significant influence on the probability of adopting improved technologies. This influence is significant at 10% level. The coefficient of farmer’s age and education is positive meaning that as farmers age increase by one unit, the probability of adopting improved technologies will also increase. The budgetary analysis revealed that the average total revenue is N 34,153.52, the average farmer’s net income is N 22,094.99 and gross margin is N 25,818.77 with the profitability index as 0.6469. Based on the problems identified, it has been recommended that the government should provide incentives for the farmers as well as increasing the rate of visit of extension agents in the study area so as to boost their level of adoption of technologies on cassava farming.