摘要:The study was conducted at different critical points of Oromia special zone surrounding Finfine, Sebeta, Sululta and Holeta districts with the objective of assessing raw milk gross nutrient composition and its handling practices at different critical points of milk marketing chain. Multi-stage purposive sampling method was used to conduct proximate composition and handling practices of raw milk from different critical points from Finfine surrounding districts of Oromia. A total of 102 milk producing farmers at Holeta, Sebeta and Sululta districts were selected by using multi-stage purposive sampling method. A total of 60 raw milk samples were collected hygienically from each presumed critical points and examined for their gross nutrient composition. The channels in marketing of milk involved in this area include direct sellers, milk collection centers, informal merchants, milk cooperative unions, hotels, dairy product processing plants and retail shops. However, majority of the participants brought their milk to the collection center and private dairy processing plants. About 26.5, 6.9, 46.1, 2.9 and 17.6% of the participants use cold pipe water, warm river water, warm pipe, cold river water and cold well water, respectively for washing udder and teat before milking in the whole study site. About 98, 97.1 and 94.15% of the participants in the study sites used plastic utensils for milking, storing before transportation and transporting milk. Only 77.2% of the study participants wash their hands before milking in all the study sites. The protein content of milk sample ranged from 3.12 to 2.39, 3.29 to 2.70 and 3.04 to 3.08% at farmer and retail level of Sebeta, Holeta and Sululta, respectively. Sample collected from Sululta site had showed the highest protein content than other sites.Whereas, fat content of milk sample ranged from 4.47 to 3.76, 4.05 to 3.24 and 3.58 to 4.37 % from farmer and retail shop of Sebeta, Holeta and Sululta, respectively. Besides, protein and fat have showed a significant difference among critical points(p<0.05). Besides, The mean total solid content of present study revealed that it ranged from 9.8 to 13.5% in Sululta collection center and Sebeta farmers respectively. The mean value of mineral element Fe ranged from 0.068 to 0.071, 0.082 to 0.060 and 0.072 to 0.072 mg/100gm for samples collected from Sebeta, Holeta and Sululta farmers and retail, respectively. Generally, the present study was revealed that milk samples contained unhygienic and poor handling practices and considered as substandard which will result in public health hazard to the consumer. Therefore, intensive study on adequate handling of milk in the study sites should be conducted to assure safety and quality and policies to be set to assure the supply of quality milk in the area.