出版社:The International Institute for Science, Technology and Education (IISTE)
摘要:Lugbe is one of the satellite towns in Abuja, the Federal Capital Territory of Nigeria. It is situated between latitudes 08º55´N to 09º00´N and longitudes 07º19´E to 07º26´E covering an area of about 50 km 2 . The area is underlain by crystalline rocks of Precambrian age mainly the older granite and the Migmatite-gneiss. Groundwater and surface water samples were collected and analyzed for their physical, chemical and microbial parameters. Results of the analyses indicate that the physical parameters falls within the acceptable limit except pH which ranged from 5.8 and 6.9 indicating slightly acidic environment. Concentrations of the chemical parameters analyzed are within the permissible limits except copper and lead whose concentration in few locations where found to be higher than the WHO and NSDWQ recommended limits for safe drinking water. The water is poor bacteriologically as total coliform and E.coli were determined in both the surface and groundwater samples which is an indication of faecal contamination. The dominant water type from Piper diagram and Schoeller plot is Ca-Mg-Cl-SO 4 . Due the poor quality of surface and groundwater sources in Lugbe, treatment of the water before domestic usage is recommended. The observed anomalies in the water sources are finger-prints of anthropogenic contamination due to upsurge in population and urbanization without proper sanitary measures as well as rock-water interaction mechanism. Keyword: Quality Assessment, Surface water, Groundwater, Lugbe, Abuja, North-Central Nigeria