出版社:The International Institute for Science, Technology and Education (IISTE)
摘要:This study aimed at helping school counselors in solving issues related to adolescent verbal aggressions through implementing Transactional Analysis (TA) counseling, which was particularly given to the students in public vocational schools (SMKs) in Padang city who were majoring in engineering. Recent phenomena in Padang had revealed that among the critical problems at most secondary schools were those associated with students’ aggressive behaviors. Aggressive behaviors are acts which cause other people’s suffering, either through verbally or physically abuses, or in another word, actions which bring harm to someone else. However, verbal aggressions were mostly identified ones. Therefore, this study focused on two things: first, to identify kinds of verbal aggressions that these students committed, such as, criticizing, ranting, insulting and threatening others; second, to produce a transactional analysis (TA) counseling guide to overcome those identified verbal aggression issues, by means of analyzing the students’ ego state, transactions, and life script. The design of this study was research & development, that attempted to produce a final product which took a mode of transactional analysis (TA) counseling guide. Experimental method was used to test the effectiveness of the transactional analysis (TA) counseling analysis to solve the identified students’ verbal aggressions. The results of the empirical tests to transactional analysis (TA) counseling showed that specific transactional analysis group counseling seemed effective in reducing the adolescent students’ verbal aggressions.