摘要:The use of Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) in research has increased in various field of disciplines and becoming of greater interest among researchers in built environment. However, there is little awareness about the attributes, application and importance of this approach in data analysis. This has consequently led to difficulties encountered in the use, explanation and/or drawing appropriate interpretations from SEM analyses. This article therefore aims at offering rudimentary knowledge of SEM approach in data analysis, unveiling its attributes, application and importance as well as giving examples in testing associations amongst variables and constructs. The article employed thirty-eight literatures review after winnowing through relevant published materials. The understanding of this analytical tool is expected to help in analysing data when considering more complex research questions and testing multivariate models in a single study. This paper will serve as eye opener to the researchers to have better understanding of SEM analytical techniques.
关键词:Confirmatory Factor Analysis; Data Cleaning; Exploratory Factor Analysis; Measurement Model; Model Modifications; Structural Equation Modeling.